The showings are reported to be at 820 metres elevation, east of Zwicky. The Harp, Collingwood, and Black Diamond claims comprising this property were owned in 1918 by W.J. Murphy, of Kaslo. The workings at that time included trenches and a 10-metre drift adit.
A series of quartz veins occur in sedimentary rocks or along the contact of sediments with greenstone schist of the Lower Permian Kaslo Group. The footwall rock of one vein was explored by a short adit. It consists of a greenish schist carrying abundant rhodonite in lens-like masses from 5 to 45 centimetres wide, adjacent to the quartz vein. The hangingwall is a quartzitic argillite containing manganiferous garnet, partly altered to manganese oxide.
The veins consist of vitreous to smoky quartz mineralized with pyrrhotite, pyrite and chalcopyrite.