The Lulu property shipped 5 tonnes of ore in 1954 and 3515 grams of silver, 3249 kilograms of lead and 200 kilograms of zinc were recovered. The extension of the Vigilant vein (082FNE005) was traced along strike onto the Lulu claim. Many steep fractures, containing narrow widths of quartz cross Woodbury Creek in this area. The Vigilant veins contains lenses of galena with some sphalerite. Replacement ore typically extends 60 to 100 centimetres from the quartz veins. The most favourable replacement rock is a soft brownish biotitic calcareous schist. Vein widths vary up to 1.3 metres.
The country rocks are micaceous and chloritic schists, quartzites and limestone of the Cambrian to Devonian Index Formation, Lardeau Group.