The Dykes Option occurrence is located north of Kootenay Bay on Kootenay Lake, approximately 1 kilometre north west of Fraser Lake.
The area is underlain by hornblende gneiss, amphibolite and calcite marble of the Middle Cambrian to Lower Devonian Index Formation (Lardeau Group).
Locally, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite are disseminated in a flat-lying dike or sill, probably 12 to 15 metres thick, intruded into Lardeau Group sediments. Platinum and palladium are associated with the sulphides.
In 1986, a sample (Ram 86-14) assayed 0.085 gram per tonne platinum and 0.104 gram per tonne palladium (Assessment Report 15542).
In 1930, an 80-metre long adit was driven to test the mineralization. In 1986, a program of geological mapping, prospecting and a 13.8 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey was completed on the area as the Ram claim. The following year, Chelik Resources completed a program of airborne geophysical surveys on the area as the Rock of Ages claim. During 1997 through 1999, Klondike Gold completed programs of soil sampling and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Doe and Ray claims.