The main workings are on the Florence M Crown grant near the boundary of the Fergus and R.F.G. Crown grants. The workings include an adit driven westward about 30 metres from which some stoping was done.
The workings on the Florence M follow a vein that strikes east and dips 60 degrees south. The vein is in fine-grained hornblende schist of the Permo-Triassic Kaslo Group, which near the portal contains a lens of grey crystalline limestone. The oreshoot that has been mined is in the hornblende schist near its footwall contact and also near the limestone. The ore dump shows a fine-grained aggregate of pyrite, pyrrhotite, galena and sphalerite, quartz and siderite. The vein is reported to have been up to 45 centimetres thick.
In 1907, 7 tonnes were mined from which 4,914 grams of silver and 3,094 kilograms of lead were recovered.