The Copper King (Lot 3065s) prospect is located at 820 metres elevation, 1 kilometre southwest of Olalla, British Columbia. It is part of the historic Olalla gold camp, 500 metres south-southwest of the Golconda occurrence (082ESW016).
The earliest record of work on the Copper King (Lot 3065s) claim was in 1899. Work was also done in 1900. Two claims, the Copper King and Pembroke, were reported owned by J. Stevens and J. Buchanan in 1902, which contained a shear vein with gold values and a large copper body. Further work was reported in 1904 and 1910. By 1917, the ground was staked as the Copper King, Copper King Extension, Copper Hill and Mountain Lion claims. A shipment of 3.6 tonnes was reported made to the Grand Forks smelter for trial from an upper tunnel. In 1922, the prospect was owned by R. Northey. In this year, a 30-metre adit was driven on a narrow mineralized fissure on the Copper Queen, northwest of the Copper King. The Copper King claim (Lot 3065s) was Crown granted to the Estate of Northey, Hegelby and Newton in 1928. In 1957, ownership of the Copper King was transferred to W.W. Gemwinder. Friday Mines Ltd. acquired the property in 1961. Trenching and diamond drilling were carried out. Freedom Resources Ltd. conducted property exploration on the Copper King between 1981 and 1983. Recent exploration has been carried out by Goldcliff Resources Corp. Total development consisted of the 10.7-metre shaft and two adits, 7.6 metres and 19.8 metres respectively. The 1990 program concentrated on the Lee zone and the Copper King and work included establishing additional grid lines, soil sampling, VLF-EM and magnetometer surveying and prospecting. The 1997 work program consisted of constructing a new road to the Cliff zone, conducting trenching and drilling on the Cliff and Copper King zones, and a soil geochemical survey on the Cliff and Something Good zones.
The Copper King prospect is located within the ultramafic to alkaline Middle Jurassic Olalla intrusion. This intrusion has intruded a sequence of oceanic sediments and volcanics of the Carboniferous to Triassic Shoemaker and Old Tom formations. Black to green chert, light grey quartzite and minor limestone lenses comprise the dominant lithologies. The Shoemaker and Old Tom formations form a broadly folded, east-dipping sequence in the area. The Olalla intrusion consists of a magnetite-bearing pyroxenite peripheral zone to a diorite and syenite core. The pyroxenite is composed primarily of augite with lesser magnetite. Potassic alteration consisting of biotite, orthoclase, calcite and quartz occurs within the pyroxenite. The syenite is fine grained, light grey to buff to pink and has also been altered to orthoclase and quartz. Coarse grained syenite dikes occur at the contact with the peripheral pyroxenite zone. Metasomatic deposits have formed along the contact of the Olalla intrusion with Shoemaker sediments. Mineralization is related to skarns, shearing and quartz veining. Mineralization consists mainly of auriferous and argentiferous pyrite and pyrrhotite with minor chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite and tetrahedrite.
The Copper King prospect consists of a 15-centimetre wide shear zone cutting quartzite and skarn mineralization in limestone lenses. The prospect lies along the western contact between pyroxenite and quartzite, minor limestone and tuff of the Old Tom Formation. Diorite dikes intrude quartzite parallel to the shear zone. A magnetite "cap" covers the shear zone on surface. The shear zone strikes 170 degrees and dips 80 degrees southwest. Mineralization consists of chalcopyrite and magnetite in the shear and in highly altered limestone with epidote-garnet skarn. Trenching in 1993 exposed a large garnet, epidote, calcite and ferromagnesian skarn containing massive magnetite and pyrite with lesser chalcopyrite, hematite and malachite. Drillhole samples in 1961 apparently yielded about 0.40 per cent copper (Assessment Report 22882). Grab samples 91G-31 and 91G-32, taken by Goldcliff Resources Corp. in 1991, yielded up to 40.0 grams per tonne silver, 1.08 per cent copper and 0.19 per cent lead (Assessment Report 22882). The samples were taken from a shear zone in hornfelsed quartzite with pyrite, malachite and azurite. The quartzite has been intruded by pyroxenite.
There is no apparent structural relationship between the Golconda (082ESW016) and Copper King occurrences.