The Allen Grove showing is located at 1600 metres elevation, west of Clark Creek and 18 kilometres west of Penticton, British Columbia.
The Allen Grove showing lies within the central part of the White Lake basin, a thick accumulation of Eocene Penticton Group volcanic rocks, interlayered with clastic sedimentary rocks which are largely of volcanic derivation. The Eocene rocks rest unconformably on Triassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Old Tom and Shoemaker formations, Upper Triassic Independence Formation and Jurassic granitic intrusions. The White Lake basin forms a topographic low and is truncated by early gravity faults. The units generally dip to the east and are folded and faulted.
It is possible that jasper and geodes occur either in a small inlier of Shoemaker Formation or as float in Quaternary outliers within Penticton Group volcanics.