The Irene occurrence is located 4 kilometres south of Orofino Mountain on the east side of Blind Creek. Oliver, British Columbia lies 10 kilometres to the southeast and Cawston, British Columbia lies 6 kilometres to the southwest. The claim was formerly staked as the Silver Prince.
In 1970, the occurrence was explored by Conoco Silver Mines Ltd. Approximately 1219 square metres of surface stripping were done. In 1977, the occurrence was owned by J. Penny and examined by P. Folk.
The Irene occurrence is located within Middle Jurassic diorite and dioritic feldspar porphyry that has been subsequently intruded by granite and granodiorite of the Jurassic Oliver plutonic complex. To the immediate south of the occurrence lies metasediments and metavolcanics of the Carboniferous to Permian Kobau Group. Chloritic schist with intercalated limestone, greenstone and serpentinite comprise lithologies of the Kobau Group. Younger aplite and lamprophyre dikes are found crosscutting all older rock units. A south to southeast striking, shallow dipping quartz vein outcrops near the western boundary of the Irene claim. The vein attains a maximum width of 2.0 metres and averages 0.4 metre. Pyrite and galena comprise the mineralogy of the vein. At least two significant faults are thought to have displaced the vein. Sericitic alteration is commonly found adjacent to the vein. Weak chloritic alteration also extends several metres into host granodiorite.
The vein has been explored by numerous opencuts and short adits. Several samples taken in 1977 yielded anomalous gold and silver values. Surface chip sample 4976, taken across 0.4 metres from the southwestern corner of the Irene claim, yielded 2.40 grams per tonne silver and 19.88 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 6797). Several samples were taken from the portal of an adit. Sample 4979, across 0.4 metre, yielded 1.37 grams per tonne gold and 29.48 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 6797). A second chip sample 4978, across 2.0 metres, yielded 0.68 gram per tonne gold and 6.86 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 4978).