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File Created: 15-Aug-1996 by Keith J. Mountjoy (KJM)
Last Edit:  12-Oct-2018 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name VENNER, G Mining Division Osoyoos
BCGS Map 082E024
Status Prospect NTS Map 082E06W
Latitude 049º 16' 54'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 18' 22'' Northing 5461327
Easting 332285
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Okanagan, Monashee
Capsule Geology

The Venner occurrence is located at approximately 1432 metres elevation, immediately east of Solco Creek at Venner Meadows. The town Okanagan Falls is located 26 kilometres to the west.

The area lies within an Eocene outlier of Penticton Group volcanics that unconformably overlie granitic rocks of Middle Jurassic intrusions and Proterozoic Monashee granitic gneiss and amphibolite. Andesites of the Marron Formation and overlying volcaniclastics of the White Lake Formation of the Penticton Group are underlain by the Springbrook Formation.

Outcrops surrounding the Venner occurrence consist of dark to reddish-green, massive andesitic to trachyandesitic feldspar porphyry flows and breccias, light-grey to beige, very fine grained rhyolitic quartz-feldspar porphyry and dark green, poorly sorted conglomerates and gritstones with narrow coal seams. Within the area of known mineralization, andesites are propylitically altered to chlorite, calcite, epidote, sericite and marcasite. Calcite occurs as narrow, irregular fracture infillings, locally forming carbonate-cemented crackle breccias. Coarse-grained replacements of siderite or ankerite, locally with purple fluorite, form irregular veinlets 1 to 50 millimetres wide. Chalcedonic quartz veinlets are rare. Calcite replacement dominates veinlets, which are usually sulphide barren.

Faulting typically occurs above and in contact with andesite. Hematitic and argillic (clay) alteration is also locally pervasive in andesites, adjacent to faults. Disseminated pyrite may also occur in andesites adjacent to faults. Andesites are brecciated and sheared adjacent to faults. Andesite and lesser quartz-carbonate vein breccia fragments are cemented in a matrix of andesite, secondary chlorite and sometimes hematite. Rhyolites are also strongly argillically altered with disseminated pyrite and irregular quartz-carbonate veinlets or clay seams near faults. Clay seams have resulted from shearing.

Gold mineralization has been found in 0.5 to 3.0-metre wide quartz-carbonate fissure veins, veinlets and replacement breccias. These fissure veins strike east and dip steeply southward. Veins are composed of: (1) aragonite plus or minus potassium feldspar and quartz, (2) quartz plus or (3) minus chlorite or quartz. Gold mineralized zones crosscut hydrothermally altered and brittley deformed andesite that are overlain by conglomerates to the north and bound by rhyolites to the east.

Electrum and gold-silver amalgam containing up to 30 per cent silver have been identified by electron microscope from 1983 drill hole samples (Assessment Report 12156). Pyrite is common throughout all units as fracture fillings, disseminations in quartz veins and as partial matrix replacement in breccia zones. Rare specks of chalcopyrite were observed. Common accessory minerals are amethyst and fluorite (Assessment Report 12156).

In 1974, sampling yielded up to 11.9 grams per tonne gold and 34.9 grams per tonne silver over 3.0 metres from fresh andesite exposed in trench G, while re-sampling in 1976 from trench G yielded up to 13.7 grams per tonne gold and 29.1 grams per tonne silver over 1.5 metres (Property File - K.L. Daughtry [1979-02-28]: Confidential Preliminary Report on the Gold Claims).

In 1979, sampling of the ā€˜Gā€™ zone yielded up to 8.7 grams per tonne gold over 1.52 metres (Property File - General Testing Laboratiories [1979-07-05]: Certificate of Assay - No. 7906-2954 - Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. - Gold claim).

In 1982 and 1983, diamond drilling yielded up to 60.9 grams per tonne gold over 2.0 metres in hole 82-1 and 274.6 grams per tonne gold over 0.5 metre in hole 83-9 (Property File - Tigris Minerals Corporation [1988-05-18]: Prospectus Report - OK Falls property).

The best assay results from the 1988 exploration program were as follows. A grab sample from a 15-centimetre calcite vein in trenching near Trench G (140E) yielded up to 94.97 grams per tonne silver. Sampling from the same trench also yielded 2.74 grams per tonne gold over 1 metre (Assessment Report 17327). The trench uncovered a 0.3 to 1.0-metre wide carbonate-quartz vein. The wall rocks carried lower gold values. Slightly further east (162.5E), north-trending drusy quartz veins along the andesite-rhyolite contact yielded 12.07 grams per tonne gold and 9.15 grams per tonne gold over 2 metres (Assessment Report 17327). Still further east (175E) a 0.5-metre wide quartz-carbonate breccia along the andesite-rhyolite contact yielded 4.49 grams per tonne gold over 2 metres and 10.49 grams per tonne gold from a grab sample (Assessment Report 17327).

Gold assay results from diamond- drill holes were similar. Drill hole 1988-22 yielded 12.68 grams per tonne from the interval 45.0 to 45.72 metres at the bottom of the hole. A breccia zone with irregular narrow quartz stringers yielded 3.84 grams per tonne gold between 16 and 17 metres in drill hole 1988-23. Drill hole 1988-29 yielded 2.60 grams per tonne gold and 3.22 grams per tonne gold at 32 to 33 metres and 34 to 35 metres, respectively. Drill hole 1983-9, near drill hole 1988-29, was re-analyzed and yielded 4.11 grams per tonne gold over the interval from 55 to 56 metres (Assessment Report 17327).

The main (Road) showing was first discovered by D. Ewers, S. McLean and K.G. Thomson in 1973. A considerable amount of exploration work has since been conducted in the vicinity, by Teck Corp. in 1973 and 1974, Granby Mining Corp. in 1975 and 1976, Kerr Addison Mines in 1979, Lacana Mining Corp. in 1981 through 1983 and in 1988, Rio Algom in 1984 and K.L. Daughtry and P.P. Neilsen in 1989. The E and D Joint Venture was formed in 1981 between K.L. Daughtry and P.P. Neilsen and Energex Mineral Ltd., with property work in 1981 and 1982. Lacana Mining Corp. and Rio Algom have acquired and explored the Venner claim group, which has similar mineralization on the easterly neighbouring Venner 1 claim (MINFILE 082ESW127). Rio Algom also acquired an option on the Gold occurrence property in 1984. In 1988, Inco Gold Co. entered an option agreement with E and D Joint Venture. Canadian Nickel Co. Ltd, a subsidiary of Inco Gold Co., conducted an exploration program on the Gold property in 1988 and 1989.

EMPR ASS RPT 4763, 5009, 5702, 5886, 8961, 9413, 10410, 10624, 10735
11276, 11745, 11798, *12156, 12750, 13113, 13477, *17327
EMPR GEM 1973-47; 1974-56; 1975-E21; 1976-E26
EMPR OF 1898-5
EMPR PF (*K.L. Daughtry [1979-02-28]: Confidential Preliminary Report on the Gold Claims; Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. [1979-06-21]: Sample tags - Gold claims; *General Testing Laboratiories [1979-07-05]: Certificate of Assay - No. 7906-2954 - Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. - Gold claim; E.N. Larabie [1987-08-31]: Report on the O.K. Falls Gold Property; *Wells, R.C. [1988-05-18]: Prospectus Report on OK Falls for Tigris Mineral Corporation; M.S. Morrison [2002-04-17]: Letter Re: Rainbow Gold Property - Available for Option; Tom Schroeter [2002-07-15]: Notes - Gold Rainbow; Mike Cathro [2002-10-25]: Weekly Report - Gold)
GSC MAP 538A; 539A; 37-21; 15-1961; 1738A
GSC OF 481; 637; 1505A; 1565; 1969