EMPR MR MAP 6 (1932)
EMPR OF 1990-25
EMPR P 1986-2
GSC MAP 828; 45-20A; 6-1957; 10-1967; 1500A; 1736A
GSC OF 481; 637; 1969
GSC P 67-42; 79-29
Collins, J., Cowley, P., Puritch, E., Roxburgh, J. (2007-05-22): Technical Report and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Greenwood Gold Project.
Brown, F., Cowley, P., Puritch, E. (2016-04-08): Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Greenwood Gold Project.
Brown, F., Burga, E., Cowley, P., Hayden, A., Pearson, J., Puritch, E., Wright, F. (2016-05-20): Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Greenwood Gold Project.
Brown, F., Burga, E., Cowley, P., Hayden, A., Pearson, J., Puritch, E. (2016-06-20): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Greenwood Gold Project.
Brown, F., Burga, E., Cowley, P., Hayden, A., Pearson, J., Puritch, E. (2017-06-02): Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Greenwood Precious Metals Project.