The Clearcut Rhodonite prospect is on the road leading to the microwave tower on Mount Roderick Dhu, 13 kilometres northeast of Greenwood.
The main exposure is a 10-metre long roadcut that displays pink pyroxmanganite and rhodonite coated with black manganese oxide. This rock has a sugary texture and grades into quartz-rich rock containing spessartine garnet and light coloured mica.
The host rocks are part of the Upper Paleozoic Knob Hill Group that outcrops in an southeast trending belt extending from the lower course of Clement Creek to Jewel Lake and thence to the area northwest of Mount Roderick Dhu. The Knob Hill Group consists of a variety of volcanic and sedimentary rocks converted to amphibolite and quartz-mica schists by regional metamorphism. The rocks are medium to fine grained, medium to dark coloured. Primary structures, such as bedding, are often confused with foliation and gneissosity. The metasedimentary rocks consist of quartz (15 to 90 per cent), plagioclase, biotite and some garnet and magnetite, and less commonly amphibole, chlorite, muscovite and occasionally andalusite. Because of recrystallization, metaquartzites and metacherts cannot be distinguished. The amphibolites generally occur as massive lenses - possibly derived from basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. Typically the amphibolites consist of 40 to 70 per cent green amphibole, and smaller amounts of plagioclase, quartz, magnetite and titanite. Epidote, calcite and quartz are present in abundance associated with small veins and fissures.
The Clearcut pyroxmanganite/rhodonite occurrence is a stratabound deposit associated with what appears to be the metamorphic equivalent of volcanic rocks and siliceous and pelitic sediments. The absence of the primary detrital textures within the silica-rich host rocks is consistent with a chemical precipitate protolith, either of sedimentary or hydrothermal origin. Many similar manganese deposits are considered distal equivalents of volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits.