The Strathmore claim (Lot 1018) is centred 1.7 kilometres northeast of the Greenwood post office and 0.5 kilometre east of Highway 3 at 910 metres (3000 feet) elevation. Access is directly from Greenwood municipality.
Production from this property between 1898 and 1925 amounted to 198 tonnes of ore containing gold, 4.8 kilograms; silver, 533 kilograms; and lead, 4.1 tonnes. The property was mined about 1900 and some ore shipped. The claim was Crown Granted in 1906.
The old workings consist of a tunnel, shaft, several drifts on the vein, and crosscuts. Development work consisted of 91 metres of drifting, a 12-metre shaft, and 14 metres of open cutting and trenching. The vein varies in size from 2.5 centimetres to 0.3 metre and is mineralized with galena, pyrite, zinc, gold, and silver in a gangue of quartz. The country rock is granite and diorite of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Greenwood Stock.
A few metres to the north of the old workings the vein has been faulted in an easterly direction, throwing it up hill. The ore lying to the north of the fault was discovered in 1924 and subsequently mined. After the upper part of the vein was stoped out, a crosscut was driven below to develop the vein at a greater depth. Considerable difficulty was experienced owing to the lead being pinched to such an extent that it was unrecognizable from several other mineralized fissures. After crosscutting for about 18 metres, the miners decided to follow the first vein cut. At about 30 metres from the crosscut the fracture opened into an ore shoot grading 7 to 57 grams per tonne gold, 4 to 5.5 kilograms per tonne silver and 1.95 to 7.15 per cent lead.
In the period 1909 to 1913, a long tunnel (915 metres) known as the 'Greenwood - Phoenix Tramway Bore' was driven eastward under the Strathmore claim from the Nelson claim. A vein was cut 518 metres from the portal which was undoubtedly the Strathmore vein, although it was further into the hill than expected. There is no indication of any ore reserves.
During 2008 through 2012, Grizzly Discoveries Inc. completed programs of soil, stream sediment and rock sampling, geological mapping and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Overlander area of the Greenwood property