The area is underlain by the Upper Proterozoic Grand Forks Gneiss, a raised fault block of high grade metamorphic rocks which are part of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex. The rocks consist of biotite, amphibole, and pyroxene schists and gneisses, interlayered with pegmatites and leucogranite, with minor quartzites and calcar- eous rocks. These rocks are cut by north trending quartz monzonite dykes and stocks and dykes and small stocks of biotite-hornblende diorite and quartz diorite with minor amphibolite and pyroxenite. Regional foliation of the gneisses strikes northwest and dips 20 to 50 degrees southwest. Principal host rocks for the uranium mineralization are quartz- rich pegmatites which are interlayered with the biotite gneisses and schists. Uraninite is associated with biotite clots in the pegmatite and uranophane and autunite occur along fractures and joints in the pegmatite and biotite gneiss. Distribution of the uranium is erratic within the pegmatites, which seldom exceed 2.0 metres in thickness. A grab sample assayed 0.27 per cent uranium (Assessment Report 3172) and a drillhole intersected 0.025 per cent uranium over 4.6 metres (Assessment Report 7621). Uraninite is associated with biotite-rich pegmatites within biotite schists and gneisses.