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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  21-Jul-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name TONEY (L.1907), VEN, GOTCHA Mining Division Greenwood
BCGS Map 082E007
Status Showing NTS Map 082E02E
Latitude 049º 04' 48'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 42' 10'' Northing 5437745
Easting 375657
Commodities Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Toney group is located on the western side of Boundary Creek, approximately 2.5 kilometres southwest of Greenwood.

The western edge of the Toney group is underlain by sharpstone conglomerate which appears to overlie massive white to grey quartzite or chert on the east. The chert is underlain with interbedded siltstone and greywacke with irregular bands and pods of white to grey chert. Intrusive diorite underlies the northeastern and eastern part of the group. The sediments strike southerly and dip steeply to the west.

Mineralization reported by Mapletree Exploration Corporation in 1973 consisted of chalcopyrite and pyrite as disseminations and fracture fillings in diorite of the Jurassic to Cretaceous Nelson Intrusions. Pyrrhotite occurs in massive form on the eastern part of the property where a diorite pluton intrudes metasediments. The 1973 claims included the Toney and several others and work consisted of mapping on all the claims. In 1972, Phelps Dodge operated the claim group owned by Fury Explorations Ltd with work consisting of line cutting and mapping focused on the Gotcha 12-15 claims.

The Toney Fraction was Crown-granted in 1919 to James Henry Goodeve. Skomac Mines were reported to have optioned part of the Toney group in 1962, but no record of work is available. In 1967, Utah Construction and Mining Co. optioned the property and conducted an induced polarization and resistivity survey over 9.3 line kilometres. Two diamond-drill holes totalling 187 metres were put down to test the resulting geophysical anomaly. No results were published of the drilling. In 1991, a geophysical program was completed on the Sam claims.

During 2000 through 2016, the area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Wild Rose (MINFILE 082ESE116) occurrence and a complete property exploration history can be found there.

EMPR AR 1919-370, 1967-225,226,277
EMPR ASS RPT 1067, 1878, 3932, 4125, 4237, 22031
EMPR GEM 1972-35; *1973-37
EMPR MR MAP 6 (1932)
EMPR OF 1990-25
EMPR P 1986-2
EMPR PF (Bombini, S. (unknown): Report on Sam Claims (Toney, Vendela); Fury Explorations Ltd. (1972-01-07): Geochemistry Soil Sampling Map - Deadwood Creek Property; Tough, T.R. (1972-11-07): Geological Report on the Deadwood Creek Property; J.AW. (1973-01-07): Mineral Deposit Inventory - TONEY (L.1907); Elwell, J.P. (1978-03-02): Percussion Drilling Results and Preliminary Cost Study - Gotcha Property)
GSC MAP 828; 45-20A; 6-1957; 10-1967; 1500A; 1736A
GSC OF 481; 637; 1969
GSC P 67-42; 79-29
GCNL #130, 1973
Dufresne, M. (2011-05-31): Technical Report on the Wild Rose – Tam O’Shanter Property
Dufresne, M. (2013-01-25): Technical Report on the Updated Resource for the Wild Rose – Tam O’Shanter Property
Dufresne, M. (2013-11-10): Technical Report for the Greenwood Gold Project
Dufresne, M. (2013-11-25): Technical Report for the Greenwood Gold Project
Ball, M. (2017-01-26): Technical Report on the Greenwood Area Property
Cowley, P. (2017-06-02): Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Greenwood Precious Metals Project