The Schickshock claim group is predominantly underlain by carbonate and clastic rocks of the Upper Triassic Brooklyn Formation. In the eastern half of the claim block fine grained limestone or micrite is most common.
Intrusive rocks displaying at least three different textures and compositions underlie the property. The oldest intrusions were probably granodiorite to quartz diorite in composition. Altered diorite also occurs in outcrop to the north. Small plugs and dikes of coarse grained, pink syenite occur. These often contain, or are crosscut by, narrow dikes of K-feldspar-phyric pulaskite.
The Sailor Boy was Crown-granted in 1899 and the Shickshock in 1900. The claims were held by Ryslo Silver Mines in 1969 and were operated in part by Ryslo and by Granby Mining Corp through to 1974. Noranda held the claims during 1984 and collected sixty-eight soil samples. In 1990, Kettle River Resources, collected 11 rock samples in the vicinity of the Shickshock shaft. In 1991, A. Ettlinger described the mineralization on the Shickshock group of claims for Orvana Resources which included the Sailor Boy claim. He describes the mineralization as occurring on the Shickshock claim as follows. No mention is made of mineralization actually occurring on the Sailor Boy. Forty two rock outcrop samples and one stream silt sample were collected for geochemical analysis in 1991.
At the center of the Schickshock claim, massive garnet-magnetite skarn is exposed in an exploration pit and in several small outcrops immediately below the summit. Skarn replaces marble near a contact with quartz diorite. The garnet is medium green to brown in color and is cut by later veinlets of dark brown garnet. Sulfide content of garnet skarn is low. The marble surrounding this showing is bleached white, medium to coarse grained, and locally contains light green clots of possibly tremolite or scapolite. Pyrite is sporadically disseminated within the marble.
Historically the skarn has been reported to contain irregular bodies of massive magnetite and pyrrhotite carrying minor pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite.
The best silver assay obtained in 1990 was 11 grams per tonne and for gold, 0.15 grams per tonne (Assessment Report 20368).
See the Seattle occurrence (082ESE158) for further details of the Sailor Boy property which was held and worked in conjunction with other claims in the area over various periods in history.