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File Created: 06-Apr-1993 by Moira T. Smith (MTS)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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BCGS Map 114P086
Status Prospect NTS Map 114P15W
Latitude 059º 53' 36'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 136º 52' 59'' Northing 6641030
Easting 394639
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Gold, Barite Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Alexander, Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Goldrun property (Dat and Bar claims) extends from Goldrun Creek southwestward to Datlasaka Creek. Access to the property is by a dirt road which connects to the Haines Highway approximately three kilometres to the east. The property was located in 1988 by prospector Ted Hayes.

The Goldrun property covers part of a narrow, fault-bounded, northwest-trending, southwest-dipping belt of poorly exposed, possibly Late Triassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks that extends from Squaw Creek to southeast of Datlasaka Creek. A crinoidal limestone of possible Devonian age crops out along the southwest edge of the property and may be the basal member of a southwest-dipping thrust panel.

The Discovery showing is bedded, calcareous baritic exhalite with minor concentrations of fine-grained pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and argentite. A grab sample assayed up to 6.7 grams per tonne gold, 227.0 grams per tonne silver, and 51 per cent barium (Assessment Report 19756).

The host rocks are sericite-quartz-talc-carbonate schists that may have formed by alteration of a felsic volcanic protolith. The occurrences of talc and an enrichment in nickel suggests some of the protolith rocks may have been mafic volcanics. Chloritic schists crop out to the northeast and presumably down section from the baritic exhalite horizon.

Other showings on the property include the "Massive Sulphide Creek" and "Zinc Mountain" neither of which were visited during the 1992 program. Analyses from the Zinc Mountain showing are up to 94,447 parts per million zinc, 60,289 parts per million lead and 150.7 parts per million silver (Assessment Report 21065). The Massive Sulphide Creek occurrences is a gossanous zone of greater than 15 per cent sulphide in mafic volcanics. No anomalous base or precious metal values are reported for this occurrence.

The Goldbank Ventures Ltd. - Sutton Resources Ltd. joint venture completed 12 diamond-drill holes totalling 1134 metres, an induced polarization survey, trenching, mapping and rock geochemistry on the Goldrun property in late 1990. The drilling intersected a 10- centimetre bed of massive pyrite with trace to minor agentite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite within the calcareous baritic exhalite zone. The stratiform mineralization assayed 0.27 gram per tonne gold, 1087 grams per tonne silver, 1.14 per cent copper, 0.22 per cent lead, and 2.14 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 21065). Regional exploration led to the discovery of another baritic zone up to 130 metres thick, 14 kilometres to the southeast of the Discovery showing. Analyses from this zone are up to 3000 parts per billion gold, 57.0 parts per million silver, 24,350 parts per million copper, 31,512 parts per million lead, and 41,610 parts per million zinc. This zone was not visited during the 1992 program.

The mineralization and host rocks at the Discovery showing on the Goldrun property are very similar to those at the Late Triassic Haines barite-lead-zinc deposit in the Mount Henry Clay area.

EMPR ASS RPT 19756, 21065, EMPR, FIELDWORK, 1992, pp., 217-229, EMPR, OF, 1993-13;, 1999-2, GSC, OF, 2191
EMPR PFD 823872, 823874, 823875
EMPR PFD 823872, 823874, 823875