Small (2 to 10 centimetres thick) quartz veins with coarse galena were found in a north-trending gully on the north side of a small divide on the northwest side of the Carmine Mountain plateau (114P/11N), approximately five kilometres north of the Jo showing. Host rocks are rhyolite and dacite flows and tuff intruded by biotite-quartz-feldspar porphyry and accessory hornblende. The flows unconformably overlie lower Paleozoic marble and may be Tertiary in age. A single sample returned 150 grams per tonne silver, 5.8 grams per tonne gold, 0.37 per cent copper, 4.37 per cent lead, and 0.13 per cent zinc, and is also anomalous with respect to arsenic and antimony (Table 1-13-2, No. 167).