The Lawrence showing is located near Mineral Mountain and Rainy Hollow at the headwaters of Klehini River.
A belt of metamorphic rocks forms the northwest trending extension of a larger mass of undifferentiated metamorphic rocks located largely in Alaska, within Tertiary to Cretaceous granodiorite and diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex. The belt extends northward into British Columbia for 20 kilometres and varies up to 6 kilometres in width. In the area of the showing, the belt consists of marble, argillite, quartzite, gneiss and schist.
The marble, which forms conspicuous bare knolls, is medium to coarse grained and light grey to white in colour. The marble occurs as beds up to 150 metres thick and as lenses and irregular masses. Garnet or epidote-quartz skarn alteration is developed locally along the margins of some of the marble bodies. A grab sample contained 54.8 per cent CaO, 0.24 per cent MgO and 0.56 per cent insolubles (Bulletin 25, p. 20).