The Vern showing occurs in Paleozoic to Mesozoic greenstones on the south side of a small nunatak (Figure 1-13-12). Chalcopyrite occurs as malachite-stained blebs within wacke(?) near the gradational contact between dominantly plagioclase-porphyritic basalt flows and buff to brown-weathering banded marble. The copper grades are up to 2.5 per cent. The extent of the mineralization is not known. Other rocks within the contact zone are lapilli and block tuff and volcanic breccia, all cemented by carbonate. Very fine-grained basalt dikes up to 40 centimetres thick crosscut the succession.
On the north side of the nunatak the succession is mainly chert o siliceous volcanic rocks (tuff?) and pyritic swercite schist. A bright orange gossanous zone is exposed over serveral tens of metres below an ice fall on the western end of the nunatak.