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File Created: 09-Oct-1992 by Marc Deschenes (MDE)
Last Edit:  09-Oct-1992 by Marc Deschenes (MDE)

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Name WOUNDED HEDGEHOG Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 114O080
Status Showing NTS Map 114O09E
Latitude 059º 43' 09'' UTM 07 (NAD 83)
Longitude 138º 04' 11'' Northing 6623776
Easting 664792
Commodities Silver, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Alexander
Capsule Geology

This mineral occurrence is located at the toe of the Vern Ritchie Glacier, approximately four kilometres northwest of Vern Ritchie Lake. The area is underlain predominantly by a sequence of carbonate rocks which have been recrystallized by nearby Jura-Cretaceous diorite/granodiorite plutons. A narrow band of Mesozoic amphibolite has intruded the marble and is characterized by steep north-northwest trending foliation and local gossaneous zones. One of these zones is highly mineralized and contains up to 70 per cent very fine grained massive pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and lesser bornite. This probably represents a skarn type deposit. The zone is approximately 2 by 1 metres and is concordant to the foliation of the amphibolite, which is 170/90.

EMPR FIELDWORK, 1992 (in progress)