The Rose occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1420 metres on a northeast-facing slope, southeast of the French River and approximately 10.4 kilometres northeast of Gallic Lake.
The area is underlain by limestone, marble and calcareous sedimentary rocks of the Lower Cambrian Rosella Formation (Atan Group).
Locally, a limestone hosts galena(?) and sphalerite(?) mineralization.
Work History
In 1969, Imperial Oil Enterprises Ltd. completed a program of reconnaissance geochemical (stream sediment and rock) sampling on the area as the Rose claims. A sample (601) is reported to have yielded 1.2 per cent lead and 0.9 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 2399).
In 1987, Nik Markovina and Ore-Ram Mining Co. Ltd. completed minor programs of rock sampling on the area immediately to the south of the occurrence.
In 2007, Lucky Strike Resources Ltd. staked the area as the Rose property.