The Jan occurrence is located approximately 13 kilometres north of the townsite of Cassiar.
The area is underlain by northeast-dipping Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian Earn Group black siliceous slates, siltstones and porcellanite. Horizons of siliceous exhalite, up to 10 metres thick, grade laterally into thin bedded and nodular barite. Locally these horizons contain pyritic laminae and are brecciated.
Thin quartz stringers are also present. Frequently the stringers contain tetrahedrite, malachite and azurite. Hydrozincite and limonite are present as oxidation products.
A grab sample from a pyritic breccia assayed 0.10 per cent lead, 0.04 per cent zinc, 0.18 per cent barite and 5.142 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 10969).
Work History
In 1982, Regional Resources Ltd. completed grid preparation (34.75 line-kilometres), geological mapping, prospecting and soil geochemistry (657 samples).
In 2015, Jedway Enterprises Ltd. completed a minor program of prospecting and sampling on the area as the 88 Jade claim.