The Atan occurrence is located approximately 13 kilometres east of Deadwood Lake, approximately 140 kilometres northeast of the community of Dease Lake.
The showing is underlain by massive to thin-bedded Lower Cambrian Atan Group limestone. Sphalerite and galena occur as pods, disseminations and veinlets. Resistant sulphide ribs give the limestone a ribbon appearance. Pyrite is generally less than 5 per cent by volume and does not necessarily correlate with zones of lead-zinc mineralization. Secondary hydrozincite is common in mineralized areas. Gypsum-carbonate veining is less abundant.
A rock chip composite average grades 0.10 per cent lead and 1.66 per cent zinc over 11.36 metres of stratigraphic thickness (Assessment Report 6796).
Work History
In 1969, Emperor Mines Ltd. completed 35 line-kilometres of total field aeromagnetic surveying on the Debbie claim group. In 1977, Amoco Canada Petroleum Co. Ltd. completed geochemical surveys consisting of silt (7), soil (375) and rock chip (21) sampling. In 1978, Mountain Minerals Co. Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and a 0.8 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey on the area immediately west as the Verde claims.