The August occurrence is located between Aconitum and Kedahda lakes in the Atsutla Range of the Cassiar Mountains, about 136 kilometres north-northwest of the community of Dease Lake.
Mississippian to Triassic chert, argillite and quartzite of the Kedahda Formation (Cache Creek Complex) are intruded and hornfelsed by quartz diorite dikes related to the Early Jurassic Christmas Creek batholith. The sediments are strongly fractured and contain quartz veins with pyrite. Veining at one showing is adjacent to the intrusion-metasediment contact. Two quartz veins about 30 centimetres wide and 150 metres and 10 metres long, respectively, contain pyrite-arsenopyrite-boulangerite mineralization with minor sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, stannite, and tetrahedrite. Selected samples from one vein assayed 413.1 to 702.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.41 to 1.47 grams per tonne gold; tin values up to 0.15 per cent have been reported in vein material (Assessment Report 6957). Chloritic and sericitic alteration halos (sericite, chlorite, clay, calcite) are associated with the veins.
In 1977, the August, Ben and CD claims were staked by prospectors S.G. Diakow and B. Kennedy on the basis of silver-bearing float. In 1979-80, the Zip claims were staked by Falconbridge Nickel Mines during an option agreement with the prospectors. In 1980, geochemical (2345 soil samples) and geophysical (VLF-EM 16, magnetometer, self potential) surveys were carried out on a detailed grid that was established along a favourable lineament.