The Blue Light occurrence is located 12 kilometres east of Jennings Lakes in northwest British Columbia, about 137 kilometres north of the community of Dease Lake.
The main showing occurs in the Upper Paleozoic Dorsey Complex in an embayment on the west side of the Early Cretaceous Cassiar batholith. Scheelite occurs as disseminations and coarse aggregates in quartz-amphibole and diopside-garnet skarn lenses up to 1.5 metres thick within a 15-metre-wide sheeted zone of augen gneiss and pelitic hornfels. Late pegmatite dikes crosscut the metasediments and intrusive phases. The mineralization is associated with an Eocene granitic intrusion (Nelson et al., Fieldwork 1987). The dikes contain fluorite, fluorapatite and minor beryl. The zone of discontinuous tungsten mineralization is exposed for a length of 30 metres. South of this, magnetite-quartz-pyrite lenses up to 3 metres thick occur in a quartzitic hornfels, roughly parallel to bedding. These contain up to 0.89 per cent tin (Fieldwork 1987).
Initially the property was explored for magnetite-chalcopyrite mineralization which had been discovered by Mr. Andy Zborovazky prior to 1962. In the fall of 1962, under an agreement between Mr. Zborovazky and E.P. Chapman, Jr., a re-examination of the claims resulted in the discovery of scheelite mineralization. This initiated an exploration program consisting of trenching, channel and bulk sampling, geological mapping, and diamond drilling under the direction of Chapman, Wood and Griswold Ltd. Encouraging results were obtained in this work.
Mr. G.C. Singhai, in a report on the property in 1977, describes the location of six drillholes which explored the creek showing. Two BQ size diamond-drill holes were undertaken by Pacific Cypress Minerals Ltd. in 1979 as a further exploration of this zone. The holes were located near the south end of the main showing but generally only trace values in tungsten were obtained except for a narrow section in drillhole 79-2. A 1.53 metre width in drillhole 79-2 (from 5.91-7.44 metres) assayed 0.26 per cent WO3 (Assessment Report 7937).