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File Created: 21-Jan-2014 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)
Last Edit:  09-Apr-2015 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name BEE LAKE S2, LLEWELLYN Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104M049
Status Showing NTS Map 104M09E
Latitude 059º 32' 03'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 134º 14' 00'' Northing 6599780
Easting 543355
Commodities Gold Deposit Types * : Unknown
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Inklin
Capsule Geology

The area of the Bee Lake S2 showing is underlain by Lower Jurassic sedimentary rock of the Inklin Formation, Laberge Group. In 1981, rock grab sample 6 was taken west of 'Bee Lake' by prospector Roy Carlson and is briefly described in his report that is contained within Assessment Report 10511. Carlson describes low and/or erratic greywacke outcrop west of Bee Lake where three greywacke samples (samples 2, 5 and 6) were found to contain significant gold. A pyritic sample of greywacke assayed 0.91 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 10511).

Refer to the nearby MINFILE Bee Lake S6 showing for related information and common work history.

EMPR ASS RPT *10511, 28928, 29966, *30379, *30365B, *33560, *33568
EMPR FIELDWORK 1989, pp. 181-196; 1990, pp. 139-144, 153-159
GSC MAP 19-1957; 94A; 218A; 711; 1418A; 1426
GSC OF 427, 2225 p. 42
GSC P 69-01A pp. 23-27, 78-01A pp. 69-70, 91-01A pp. 147-153, 92-01A
GSC SUM RPT 1906 pp. 26-32; 1911 pp. 27-58