The Windy showing is located on the southeast shore of Windy Arm (Tagish Lake), directly across from the old Wynton townsite, towards the northwest of British Columbia. Whitehorse, Yukon is about 80 kilometres north and access is by helicopter or boat.
The area is underlain by Middle to Upper Cretaceous rhyolite and felsic volcanic rocks of the Windy Table Complex. These rocks lie in faulted contact (striking northeast-southwest and dipping approximately 40 degrees northeast) with Lower Jurassic Laberge Group (Inklin Formation) sedimentary rocks to the southwest. Two Late Cretaceous granitic plugs intrude into the felsic volcanics on the eastern shore of Windy Arm, just northeast of the property. Glacial drift from the most recent Cordilleran glaciation covers the eastern and southern extent of the claim area. Inklin Formation sediments consist of argillite, greywacke and siltstone.
The Lakeshore zone consists of two adits (of unknown age) collared at the base of a small cliff that follow quartz veins. One adit remains open for 30 metres while the entrance to the second has collapsed (ca. 1986). An attempt to reopen the second adit during October 1985 proved unsuccessful. Above the two adits a shaft following a 20-centimetre-wide quartz vein has sloughed at 5 metres of depth. Elsewhere, old pits lie just above the lakeshore several hundred metres along regional strike from the adits. Two of the pits were reworked in a 1985 exploration program. The adits are driven near a feldspar porphyry dike which intrudes felsic tuffs. A bleached alteration zone of light-orange colour surrounds the dike, and numerous quartz veins and veinlets occur in the altered tuff. The porphyry dike trends in a southeastern direction and in parts forms the hangingwall for quartz veins examined in the open adit. The quartz veins are generally oriented parallel to the porphyry dikes and range in width from 1 to 40 centimetres. Sulphide minerals occur as coarse crystals or as fine-grained bands in the vuggy quartz veins. Arsenopyrite forms up to 10 per cent of the vein material and assay comparisons suggest that the coarse-grained arsenopyrite is associated with the gold mineralization. Bands of fine- to medium-grained galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite occur near the margins of the main vein and in some of the narrower veins. Generally, the sulphide mineral distribution is irregular with pockets of arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite-rich quartz separated by barren white quartz. Near the adits, selective grab samples of arsenopyrite-rich quartz analyzed up to 40.1 grams per tonne gold, while samples containing sphalerite and galena yielded gold values of 4.4 to 12.2 grams per tonne and silver values up to 431.9 grams per tonne (Assessment Report 27748).
Work History
In 1985, G. Davidson owned and worked on the Pud claims. This work is reported on in Assessment Report 27748).
In 2004, the Windy prospect was part of a larger property which included both Yukon Quartz claims and British Columbia Mineral claims, owned by Bill Harris, Graham Davidson, and A. Jenn. The claims encompassed not only the Windy prospect (BC MINFILE 104M 096), but also the Dodge showing (BC MINFILE 104M 095) and the LULU occurrence (Yukon MINFILE 105D 002). In 2004, the claims were optioned by the three owners to Ordorado Resources Corporation. Ordorado Resources then contracted McPhar Geosurveys to carry out helicopter-borne geophysical surveys over two large grids (Assessment Report 27748). One grid (Grid "A") covers parts of the Rams Horn 1-3 claims in British Columbia and some of Ordorado's contiguous claims across the Yukon border. Grid "B is entirely within the Yukon. A total of 281 line-kilometres of geophysical data were acquired, however, the Windy prospect was not part of the areas surveyed.
In 2007, seven rock samples were collected, on behalf of Atac Resouces Ltd, from vein material on the dumps below the adits or from nearby quartz-filled fractures. A specimen collected from the dump at the upper adit assayed 16.3 grams per tonne gold, 78 grams per tonne silver, 0.73 per cent lead and 1.22 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 29473). A total of 51 soil samples were collected from a grid that is up to 600 by 600 metres. Soil geochemical response is relatively subdued for gold, silver, and their various pathfinder metals across most of the sampled area. The highest values for all metals are clustered near the adits. To the east the area is blanketed by glacial till.
In 2017, William LeBarge (Geoplacer Exploration Ltd.) visited the Windy property on behalf of owner Ross Edenoste. The existing workings were examined on the property and a short traverse was completed across the exposures from east to west. Several hand samples with mineralization were gathered from 3 locations – the upper shaft, the middle adit, and the lower adit/float zone. The samples were not sent for assay. The vein in the adit had a maximum width of 40 centimetres. The extent is unknown.