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File Created: 22-Jul-1993 by Dorthe E. Jakobsen (DEJ)
Last Edit:  29-Sep-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name DELTA, DELTA 1-4 Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104M030
Status Showing NTS Map 104M08E
Latitude 059º 17' 40'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 134º 11' 41'' Northing 6573116
Easting 545869
Commodities Gold, Silver Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Nisling, Stikine, Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Delta showing is located 40 kilometres southeast of Atlin near the center of the Delta 1-4 claims. The claims were staked in 1989 by Robert Smith who conducted prospecting and hand trenching.

The area is underlain by Middle Devonian paragneiss (Nissling Assemblage or Yukon Tanana terrane?) consisting of semipelite-quartzite interlayered with lesser amounts of biotite-hornblende amphibolite gneiss, fissile mica schist, black phyllite, and calcsilicate rocks; it is well foliated, and locally pyritic. At the showing, a small Paleocene to Eocene Sloko-Hyder Plutonic Suite granite stock intrudes quartzites and phyllites. The Llewellyn fault cuts through the area to the east.

A vein, 1 metre wide, is mineralized with malachite, chalcopyrite, and galena. The vein strikes 006 degrees and dips vertically. The country rock around the vein shows intense carbonate alteration. The vein, exposed in the trench, is hosted in phyllite. The highest chip sample across the width of the vein assayed 1.78 grams per tonne gold and 99.1 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 20389, sample 4906).

EMPR EXPL 1979-294
EMPR FIELDWORK *1989, pp. 175-179; 1990, pp. 139-144, 153-159
EMPR OF *1990-4
EMPR PF (In 104M General File - Claim map of 104M, 1970; Claim map of 104M 08 and 09, 1970)
EMPR RGS 37, 1993
GSC MAP 19-1957; 94A; 711; 1418A; 1426
GSC OF 427; 2225, p. 42; 2694
GSC P 69-01A, pp. 23-27; 77-01A; 78-01A, pp. 69-70; 90-01E, pp. 113-119; 91-01A, pp. 147-153; 92-01A
GSC SUM RPT 1906, pp. 26-32; 1911, pp. 27-58