Quartz-feldspar porphyry, granite, and alkali feldspar granite intrusions of the Paleocene to Eocene Sloko-Hyder Plutonic Suite are regionally mapped in the vicinity of the Glacier showing. Rhyolite and felsic volcanic of the Early Eocene Sloko Group occur to the immediate west of the showing.
The molybdenum showing indicated on Geological Survey of Canada Map 1262A, some 6.5 kilometres north-northwest of Whiting Lake was investigated by NRD Mining Ltd. in 1973 (Assessment Report 4628). NRD reported that they found disseminated molybdenum in quartz monzonite rocks in glacial debris in the valley. NRD reported that it was not possible to investigate rock exposures along the valley sides or higher terrain above due inaccessibility.
The TESS 1-32 claims were staked for NRD Mining Ltd. in 1972 on the east side of Whiting Lake. Work during 1973 included a geochemical soil survey (190 samples) on the west side of the claims and 35 rock samples were collected on the eastern side of the TESS claims.
See TESS (104K 036) for related information.