The Maidas area is underlain by Upper Paleozoic Stikine assemblage rock consisting of metasedimentary chert, greywacke, and limestone with intercalated volcanics, mainly greenstone and phyllite. These are overlain to the east by felsic volcanics and sedimentary rocks of the Eocene Sloko Group. Paleocene to Eocene feldspar porphyry dikes of the Sloko-Hyder plutonic suite intrude the strata.
On the property, the rocks are comprised of andesitic flows and fragmentaries with some belts of limestone which are crosscut by acidic dikes. Mineralization appears to be associated with the feldspar porphyry dikes and consists of dark sphalerite with interspersed grains of galena, associated pyrite, pyrrhotite, and a little chalcopyrite.
On the Maidas, the orebody was reported to be 6.7 metres wide, with a northwest strike and vertical dip. A 2.4 metre wide vein is reported to be well mineralized. A sample taken in 1929 assayed 2.57 grams per tonne gold, 548.56 grams per tonne silver, 8.0 per cent lead, and 26 per cent zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1929).
This historic showing, which was comprised of Maidas, (I-II claims) and the adjoining Mohawk (1-6 claims) is now part of the Ericksen-Ashby Mine property (MINFILE 104K 009).
Work History
The Maidas group was staked subsequent to the Ericksen-Ashby staking. In 1929, it consisted of the Maidas No. 1 to 11 and was owned by P.E. Hallum, G. Normand and associates of Juneau. The claims adjoined the Ericksen on the southeast and were staked to cover what was presumed to be the easterly extension of the Ericksen zone. This historic showing, which was comprised of Maidas (1-11 claims) and the adjoining Mohawk (1-6 claims) are now part of the Ericksen-Ashby property.
In the mid-2000s, the Ericksen-Ashby area was staked as part of the Taku property owned by Optima Minerals Inc. The property was visited and sampled by Optima Minerals though this work was never published (Personal Communication, Garry Payie).
This historic showing is now part of the Ericksen-Ashby mine property (MINFILE 104K 009).