The HU West occurrence is located on a north facing slope, south of the Tanzilla River and approximately 9 kilometres west-northwest of Hluey Lakes.
The area is underlain by northwest striking volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group which have been intruded by an Early to Middle Jurassic diorite to monzonite body and an east trending composite syenite body. Basaltic and felsic dikes also occur.
The volcanic sequence comprises predominant crystal lithic tuffs intercalated with crystal tuffs, lapilli tuffs and tuff breccias which dip from 40 to 75 degrees north to 50 to 60 degrees south. These are underlain by augite and feldspar porphyry andesite. The volcaniclastic sedimentary sequence include tuffaceous argillite, siltstone and greywacke. The sediments are usually well bedded, locally display graded bedding and strike 340 degrees with variable dips.
The intrusive rocks include coarse grained hornblende-biotite diorite or monzonite, fine-grained diorite, and foliated hornblende diorite or monzonite. These rocks normally contain abundant magnetite. A variety of syenitic rocks comprise an irregular, east-west elongate body and consist of medium to coarse grained, equigranular to slightly porphyritic syenite, aplitic biotite syenite, aphanitic syenite (may be altered andesite), and hornblende biotite syenite (may be K-feldspathized diorite or monzonite).
Locally, quartz-carbonate veins host chalcopyrite and pyrite with trace malachite and pyrrhotite mineralization.
In 2012, a select grab sample (964375) assayed 7.08 per cent copper and 0.210 gram per gold, while two other samples (966960 and 987461) taken to the east yielded 0.266 and 0.380 per cent copper (Bowen, B.K. (2013-04-30): Technical Report on the Galaxie Project).
Work History
The area has been historically explored in conjunction with the nearby HU (MINFILE 104J 013) occurrence and a full regional exploration history can be found there.
In 2011, Finsbury Exploration Ltd carried out exploration over the Property as part of a soil and silt sampling program over a much larger 168,983 hectare property area known as the Galaxie property.
In 2012, Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd, on the Galaxie property, conducted systematic soil and IP surveys over eight high-priority grids and two target areas identified by the 2011 stream sediment and soil geochemical results. This work included an IP survey over almost the entirety of title 512878 and the southeastern third of title 604847.