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File Created: 28-Apr-2008 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  15-Jan-2020 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name PYR, SOUTHWEST, GRIZZLY SOUTH Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104J012
Status Anomaly NTS Map 104J04W
Latitude 058º 10' 20'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 131º 47' 10'' Northing 6451255
Easting 336141
Commodities Gold Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Pyr showing is located about 50 kilometres northwest of the village of Telegraph Creek in northwestern British Columbia and the property claims straddle Pyrrhotite Creek 5 to 10 kilometres from its confluence with the Hackett River.

Outcrop consists of Upper Triassic Stuhini Group andesite tuff and flows exhibiting weak to moderate propylitic alteration with local areas of silicification and quartz stringer zones. A 10 centimetre vuggy quartz-amethyst stringer was observed on the unnamed creek that empties into Pyrrhotite Creek.

Two pan concentrate samples (003, 024) were highly anomalous in gold (1350 parts per billion, 6560 parts per billion). Sample 003 was taken downstream from the vuggy quartz-amethyst stringer described above. Sample 024 was taken at elevation 930 metres in a small creek which drains north into Pyrrhotite Creek about 1.3 kilometres west of sample 003.

In 1991, a geochemical sampling and prospecting program was carried out on the Pyr 3 and 4 claims on behalf of C. Graf and a total of eight stream sediment samples, five rock samples and 18 soil samples were taken for analyses. In 2007, a helicopter supported site visit on behalf of Garibaldi Resource Corp. was conducted and a total of 6 samples collected for geochemical analysis.

Garibaldi collected 73 soil sampls from the Southwest Anomaly between August and October 2011 and followed up later in the year with a further 201 samples. The grid co-ordinates were between 337100E to 337700E and from 6451000N to 6451600N. This puts the grid about 1 kilometre east of the Pyr. Some anomalous responses (up to 424 ppm copper) resulted (Assessment Report 33058). This Southwest Anomaly was first noted as copper in soil anomalies along the western side of a northwest oriented magnetic anomaly located approximately 500 meters southwest of the nmain geochemical anomaly to the north, called the "Main Anomaly" (Figure 6, Assessment Report 33058).

In 2018, Garibaldi Resources completed a 1705 kilometre aeromagnetic survey over its Grizzly property. The Pyr showing was enveloped by survey and occurs just south of the new Ultra 1 prospect, also on the Grizzly property.

EMPR ASS RPT *21852, 29684, *33058, *37794
EMPR OF 1996-11
GSC OF 707
GSC MAP 9-1957; 21-1962; 1418A; 1712A; 1713A
GSC SUM RPT 1925, Part A, pp. 33A-99A