The Lime South occurrence is located on a ridge separating Greenrock and Bobner creeks, approximately 52 kilometres east of the community of Dease Lake.
Regionally, the area is underlain by limestone, marble and calcareous sedimentary rocks of the upper Mississippian to Permian Cache Creek Complex.
Locally, marble exists as pods and lenses within calcareous argillite and commonly hosts thin, convoluted and discontinuous argillaceous horizons and occasional quartz veins.
In 2008, Hard Creek Nickel Corporation explored the area as a source of metallurgical limestone or marble for use as a mill additive at the proposed Turnagain Mill. A program of prospecting and rock geochemical sampling was completed. Analytical results from six rock samples collected suggested that the majority of exposed carbonate at Lime South is of suitable purity for metallurgical use, although silicate contamination remains of concern (Assessment Report 30761).