The D8 (B zone) occurrence is located about 64 kilometres southeast of the community of Dease Lake.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic green and purplish red volcanic and volcaniclastic rock of andesitic composition. These are interstratified with lithic sandstone and conglomerate and overlain by a black argillite unit, possibly of the Lower Jurassic Takwahoni Formation (Laberge Group). The strata dips gently to the east (5 to 30 degrees).
The B zone consists of a quartz vein carrying disseminated galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and malachite. The vein occurs in a fissure cutting andesitic tuff and agglomerate and has been exposed for 75 metres, attaining widths up to 30 centimetres. Associated limonite alteration occurs within and adjacent to the vein. In 1986, a 15-centimetre chip sample assayed 2.98 grams per tonne gold, 16.8 grams per tonne silver, 0.25 per cent copper and 0.84 per cent lead (Assessment Report 20986).
Two other showings, about 250 metres west and 450 metres northwest respectively, of the B zone occur. Andesite agglomerate contains pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and bornite as open space and fractures fillings. Apparently, both of these zones are mineralized shears, the eastern one of which is mineralized over a 70 metre strike length and a 5 metres width. The best of several 2-metre samples assayed 8.23 grams per tonne silver, 0.09 per cent copper, 0.03 per cent lead, 0.09 per cent zinc and nil gold (Assessment Report 15773).
In each year from 1981 to 1987, the D claims were worked by Pamicon Developments in conjunction with Orsina Resources and/or Balance Resources. Work included geochemical programs, geological surveys and trenching. Northair Mines Ltd. held the property as the McBride claim in 1990 and collected 34 rock samples. See also related showings D1 (104I 093) located 325 metres west, and D4 (104I 100) located 1.5 kilometres northeast.