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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  02-Jun-2023 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 104I9 W1
Name EWE, RAM, SHEEP, THRUST Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 104I070
Status Showing NTS Map 104I09E
Latitude 058º 40' 46'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 08' 22'' Northing 6504679
Easting 549899
Commodities Tungsten, Molybdenum Deposit Types K05 : W skarn
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cassiar
Capsule Geology

The Ewe occurrence is located approximately 112 kilometres east of Dease Lake.

The area of the showing is underlain mainly by rocks of the Upper Proterozoic to Lower Cambrian Ingenika Group including the Espee, Swannell and Tsaydiz formations. The Espee Formation consists of crystalline limestone, sandy limestone and dolostone. The Swannell and Tsaydiz formations (undivided) consist of phyllite, schist, phyllitic limestone, siltstone, quartzite and conglomerate. Other undivided sediments and metasediments of the Upper Proterozoic Stelkuz Formation (Ingenika Group) and Lower Cambrian Boya Formation (Ingenika Group) also occur.

The Lower Cretaceous Cassiar Batholith intrudes the country rocks nearby. The Cassiar Batholith consists of granite, quartz monzonite and granodiorite; its northern limits intrude the strata in the area of the showings. The Lower Cretaceous Turnagain pluton, also part of the Cassiar Batholith, consists of biotite granite and intrudes to the west of the showing area.

The scheelite is disseminated in skarn associated with granite intrusions (Geology and Exploration in British Columbia 1969, page 48). Part of the carbonate sequence has been altered to pyroxene hornfels and garnet-vesuvianite skarn which contains disseminated scheelite and ‘molybdo-scheelite’ (Assessment Report 7672).

Work History

During 1967 through 1969, Rip Van Mining Ltd. worked the property, including 14 diamond drill holes.

During 1969 through 1971, El Paso Mining and Milling completed exploration programs including geological mapping, rock chip sampling, ultraviolet geophysical sample survey and drilled more than 4000 metres in 20 holes on the area; results are not available.

In 1971, El Paso returned the original Ram claims to W. Kuhn. In 1972, detailed geochemical work and prospecting by Kuhn discovered new mineralization. Soon after, more new mineralization was also discovered by geological crews who went to examine the property. In 1975, W. Kuhn prospected the area as the Eliza and May claims.

During 1977 through 1979, Union Carbide Canada Ltd. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, test pitting and at least four diamond drill holes, totalling 898 metres, on the area as the Ram and May claims. Much difficulty was encountered, and the lowest skarns, which on previous surface sampling gave the best values in tungsten, were never reached by any of the drilling. In 1980 and 1981, the claims were returned to Kuhn and programs of prospecting, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, trenching and a 1.2 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey were completed on the Ram, Eliza, Lamb and Sheep claims.

In 1997, Hunter Exploration Group completed a program of prospecting and geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling on the area as the Turnagain 1-9 claims.

In 2005, an airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey totalling 2130 line-kilometres was flown over the Thrust property on behalf of United Exploration Management Inc.

In 2012, BCarlin Resources Ltd. completed a program of rock and silt sampling on the area as the B 1-100 claims of the Blue Sheep property.

EMPR AR 1967-28; 1968-38
EMPR ASS RPT 5473, 5781, 6507, 6755, 6927, 7510, *7672, 8409, 10081, 25186, 28446, 33668
EMPR EXPL 1979-290
EMPR GEM 1969-48; *1970-41
EMPR OF 1989-18; 1991-17; 1996-11
EMPR PFD 812275
B.C. and Yukon Chamber of Mines, Mining Dev. Review 1970-12
GSC MAP 9-1957; 29-1962; 1418A; 1712A
GSC OF 610; 2262; 2779
GSC P 78-1A, pp. 25-27
Robb, W. (2007-11-09): Thrust Project