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File Created: 25-Aug-1989 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)
Last Edit:  05-Feb-2021 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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BCGS Map 104H091
Status Showing NTS Map 104H13W
Latitude 057º 59' 25'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 50' 03'' Northing 6427932
Easting 450680
Commodities Limestone Deposit Types R09 : Limestone
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Tsaybahe Mountain limestone showing outcrops on a northwest-trending ridge of Tsaybahe Mountain, approximately 11 kilometres north-northwest of the confluence between the Stikine and Klappan rivers, about 19 kilometres north-northeast from the village of Iskut. The occurrence lies in the highly dissected terrain of the Tanzilla Plateau.

Mapping of the area indicates that the limestone mass comprises part of the Lower Permian Stikine assemblage exposed along the southern flank of the Stikine arch. The elongated limestone mass, measuring 2.5 kilometres by up to 1.25 kilometres, lies within a sequence of lower greenschist metamorphosed phyllites, phyllitic greenstones and ribbon cherts. The mass, cut by several faults, lies on the southwestern limb of the Tsenaglode Lake anticline and forms tight mesoscopic folds. Upwards of two phases of folding and two phases of regional metamorphism have deformed the units. The strike of the bedding and the trend of the fold axial surfaces varies from east to north.

A second outcrop of similar limestone, located 1.5 kilometres to the northwest, has an east strike length of 1.3 kilometres.

EMPR IND MIN FILE (*McCammon, J.W. (1973): Limestone Occurrences in B.C., page 34)
GSC MAP 1957-9; 1418A
GSC OF 1005; *1080; 2241