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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  02-Feb-2021 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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NMI 104H12 Mo1
Name RAM, RAM 1-10, GIN Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 104H061
Status Showing NTS Map 104H12W
Latitude 057º 38' 20'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 59' 25'' Northing 6388939
Easting 440879
Commodities Molybdenum Deposit Types L05 : Porphyry Mo (Low F- type)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Ram occurrence lies 9.5 kilometres south of Eddontenajon Lake and 13 kilometres south-southwest of the Red Chris copper-gold porphyry deposit (104H 005), about 21 kilometres south of the village of Iskut.

The area is underlain by felsic volcanics and volcaniclastic rocks of the Lower-Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group. A broad region of orange staining (gossan?) developed predominantly in felsic rocks hosts minor pyrite and a few flakes of molybdenite.

In 1974, Ecstall Mining Limited carried out mapping, and silt and soil sampling on the Ram property. In 1975, Texasgulf Canada Ltd. continued exploration with additional mapping and soil sampling.

In October 1997, the Gin claims were staked to cover an area of arsenic and mercury anomalous stream sediment samples collected during 1997 by Homestake Canada Inc. personnel. In 1998, a grid was established on the property and an exploration program including geological mapping and geochemical soil and stream sediment sampling was completed. The property was mapped at 1:10,000 scale with grid lines for control and soil samples were collected at 50-metre intervals along 200 metre spaced lines. A total of 213 rock, 892 soil, and 26 silt samples were collected. The Gin claims cover the original Ram showing.

Bolero Resources Corp. acquired the claims comprising the Red Chris South property in 2009 and 2010. The Red Chris South property claims cover the original Ram showing. In 2010, Bolero carried out exploration on the property consisting of the establishment of approximately 90 kilometres of measured and picketed grid lines, and collection of 560 mobile metal ion (MMI) soil samples.

EMPR ASS RPT 25767, 32954
EMPR EXPL 1975-E185
EMPR FIELDWORK 1976, pp. 71-73; 1994, pp. 343-358; 1995, pp. 155-174; 1996, pp. 283-290, 291-297
EMPR GEM 1974-340
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1992-3; 1996-4; 1997-3
EMPR PF (*Texas Gulf Inc., Affidavit of Forfeiture, 1974 (with report and maps of Ram Group)
EMPR PFD 650324, 812296
GSC MAP 1957-9
GSC OF 1005; 1080; 2241
Falconbridge File