The NE Block 2 area is underlain by an assemblage of Lower Permian limestone, marble and calcareous sedimentary rocks and Pennsylvanian undivided volcanic rocks the Stikine Assemblage. Within about 1 kilometre to the southeast are unnamed Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic undivided volcanic rocks and Lower Jurassic to Middle Jurassic marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Hazelton Group. North of the Stikine package are marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group.
In 2015 Romios collected combined "select samples" of clotty pyrite sulphides up to 6 centimetre and in veinlets. This sample graded 0.28 per cent copper 0.3 gram per tonne silver (Sample 1430564, Assessment Report 35921). Romios shows the sample as being underlain by Stuhini rocks at a contact with Stikine Assemblage rock. Rock types were not reported.
See the nearby NE Block 1 occurrence for a common work history and related geology.