The NE Block 1 area is underlain by an assemblage of Lower Permian limestone, marble and calcareous sedimentary rocks and Pennsylvanian undivided volcanic rocks of the Stikine Assemblage. Within about 1 kilometre to the southeast are unnamed Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic undivided volcanic rocks and Lower Jurassic to Middle Jurassic marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Hazelton Group. North of the Stikine package are marine sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group.
Significant samples taken in 2015 within a few hundred metres of each other included the following; sample 1430567 (grading 0.13 per cent zinc) consisted of pyrite seams in carbonate lenses, with iron oxide altered bands in highly sheared volcaniclastic; sample 1430568 ( grading 0.16 per cent copper) consisted of veins of pyrite (up to 3 per cent) within volcaniclastics, associated with black bands of unknown composition within the vein; sample 1430569 (float) (grading 0.10 per cent zinc and 0.21 gram per tonne silver) consisted of strongly silicified volcaniclastic with 5 per cent pyrite as disseminations and along veinlets; sample 1430570 (float) (grading 0.10 per cent zinc and 0.20 gram per tonne silver) consisted of strongly silicified volcaniclastic with 25 per cent pyrite as disseminations and along veinlets; and sample 1430571 (grading 0.26 per cent zinc and 0.18 gram per tonne silver) was collected from black flaky siltstone with 15 per cent disseminated pyrite and pyrite within veinlets (Table 2, Assessment Report 35921).
Limited work on the property was completed between 1988 and 1990 on what was then the MUR claims later contained within the NE Block of Romios Gold; Mur 1 (later tenure numbers 529445 and 503525 of Romios Gold) and Mur 3 (later tenure number 503522 of Romios Gold). Reconnaissance geological-geochemical survey was completed on the Mur claims by Ashworth Explorations Limited during August 1988 which delineated two areas of interest. The results of this program identified two anomalous areas. The first area was located at the southeastern boundary of the Mur 1 claim where a rock sample from float returned 0.62 gram per tonne gold, 12.5 grams per tonne silver and 2.3 per cent copper (Assessment Report 19175). The second area of interest was located along the northeast corner (of the Mur 1 claim) where soil anomalies returned values ranging from 235 to 803 parts per million zinc (Assessment Report 19175).
Over the 1990 season, Goldbelt Mines Incorporated conducted a follow-up field program consisting of prospecting and geochemical rock, soil, and stream sediment sampling. In total, 27 rock samples. 5 petrological samples, 268 soil samples and 45 silt samples were taken. In the centre of the Mur 3 claim, a zone of high molybdenum in soils yielded up to 508 parts per million and anomalous area of high gold in stream sediments in the south of the MUR 3 claim yielded values of 160 parts per billion gold (Assessment Report 20458).
The claims of the NE Block property were staked by Romios Gold in 2005 to cover favourable geology in a northeast trending valley. In 2006 Romios completed topographic and photogrammetric studies of the area.
In 2007 Romios completed airborne geophysics over the property that consisted of a 73 line-kilometre DIGHEM V electromagnetic system and magnetometer survey. In 2010 mapping, prospecting, follow-up of airborne geophysical results, and geochemical rock sampling were carried out with a total of 18 rock samples collected from the area. In 2011, Romios conducted prospecting, mapping, and collected 5 rock samples collection over the NE Block. During the 2012 Exploration season, Romios Gold Resources conducted mapping and sampling of both float and bedrock on the NE Block. Seven rocks samples were collected but were all float. An outcrop of thinly layered (0.1-0.5m thick), well indurated, siliceous beds was found to contain lenses and veins of pyrite.
In 2015, Romios Gold Resources Inc. prospected their NE Block, consisting of the sge1, sge2, sge3 and 529445 claims) and collected 11 rock samples.