The Williams zone (of the Hank property) is underlain by a succession of flows, sills volcaniclastic breccias, tuffs and minor sedimentary rocks. On the northeast side of the West Hank fault, the stratigraphy consists of Upper Triassic Stuhini Group pyroxene-phyric sills flows and flow breccias overlying hornblende±pyroxene-phyric flows and sills, volcaniclastic tuffs and breccias, siltstones, sandstones and biotite-phyric flows and breccias. Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group carbonaceous siltstones, silts sandstones, wackes and pebble conglomerates which locally contain fossilized wood fragments are unconformably overlying the volcanic succession. On the west side of the fault, well-bedded, feldspar-rich, volcanic derived sandstones, conglomerates, greywacke and thin bedded siltstones of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group are exposed along the north flank of Goat Peak. A wedge of possible Middle Jurassic Hazelton rocks interlayered aphyric vesicular basalt flows and flow-banded rhyolites and minor volcaniclastic sediments exposed along the eastern flank of Goat Peak are bounded by the West Hank fault on the northeast side and hornblende diorite to the west. Stocks of quartz monzonitic intrusive rock of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Copper Mountain Plutonic Suite are mapped within a few kilometers to the south and northeast of the Williams occurrence.
The Williams Zone is a new 2017 discovery made by geologists following up on a coincident copper-gold soil and airborne magnetic anomaly in a low-lying overburden covered area of the Property. Hand stripping over the anomaly revealed chalcopyrite, bornite and covellite mineralization disseminated within a k-feldspar, biotite and magnetite (potassic) altered monzonite hosted within a potassic altered intrusive breccia. A follow-up high-resolution ground magnetic survey indicated that the mineralized and altered magnetite-rich breccia pipe was approximately 400 meters in diameter and a drill pad was immediately constructed to test the center of the intrusive complex. However, late season conditions forced operations to shut down for the winter and the pad and drill remain winterized on the Property. A minimum of 1500 meters of drilling is planned for the Williams Zone in 2018. Sample 1438623 is the best outcrop-grab of 2017 on the zone assaying 1.06 grams per tonne gold, 5.90 grams per tonne silver and 0.76 per cent copper, giving a 2.42 grams gold equivalent (Press Release, Golden Ridge Resources Ltd., November 22, 2017).
Drilling in 2018 resulted in the discovery of a new Copper-Gold alkalic porphyry centered on a potassic altered breccia pipe at the Williams zone with highlight intersections of 0.31 per cent copper, 0.35 grams per tonne gold and 1.94 grams per tonne silver over 327metres in HNK-18-001 and 0.42 grams per tonne gold, 0.34 per cent copper, and 2.20 grams per tonne silver over 318.7 metres in HNK-18-013 (Assessment Report 38165). Additional drilling returned similar grades.
In 2019, drilling by Golden Ridge consisted of 2952 metres used to test the continuation of mineralization at depth and to the northeast at the Williams zone. Highlights from drilling included 278 metres of potassic altered monzonite and Stuhini Group rocks grading 0.35 per cent copper, 0.28 grams per tonne gold, and 1.71 grams per tonne silver. Other drilling tested the Boiling and Creek zones ((Exploration in BC 2019, page 33)
Work History
Late in the 2017 season, hand trenching by Golden Ridge Resources Ltd. on a strong (up to 4,780 parts per million) 2016 copper-in-soil anomaly across the Ball Creek valley from their Hank prospect, uncovered well-mineralized and strongly altered monzonite porphyry, in covered bedrock near the valley bottom.
In 2018, Golden Ridge Resources Ltd. announced the Williams prospect as new copper-gold porphyry prospect on their Hank project Golden Ridge Resources carried out an exploration program from June 23rd, 2018 to September 11th, 2018, consisting of sixteen diamond drill holes totaling 6,731 metres from ten pads. Eight of the holeswere drilled into the Williams Zone and eight holes were drilled in to the Lower Alteration Zone (LAZ). Drilling in the LAZ (Lower Alteration Zone) and downslope of the Pits Zone led to the discovery of a new zone, the Boiling Zone (BZ), hosting unique mineralization and mineralogy not recorded on the property to date.
Golden Ridge completed a total of 20.8-line kilometers of Induced Polarization (I.P.) testing the Williams Zone. Results from the I.P. data extends a very strong (>40 mV/V) chargeability anomaly over the Williams Zone over 1200 metres in length and 600 metres in width. The high chargeability values are coincident with drill intersections of copper-gold mineralization and showed the same NE-SW trend indicated by the 2018 drilling.
See Hank (104G 107 for details of the Hank property, of which the Williams is part of.