The Galena 3 showing is underlain by rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group. A sample assayed 14 parts per billion gold, 115.3 grams per tonne silver, 12.7 per cent copper, 8 parts per million lead and 0.46 per cent zinc (Sample, DF9702, Assessment Report 18451). Sample consists of disseminated to matrix and brecciated tetrahedrite, pyrite and chalcopyrite and quartz veining. Rocks in this area are described as ankeritic volcanic.
In 1988, the Galena 1 to 4 claims were staked by United Mineral Services Ltd 1988 to cover an area of previously noted galena mineralization. During 1985, Continental Gold spent five-man days on the property, mapping gossanous outcrops and collecting 23 rock samples for analysis.