The Sphal 6 showing area is underlain by volcanic rock of the Upper Triassic Stuhini group and Upper Paleozoic strata of the Stikine Assemblage.
Two parallel north-south structures are found on the Sphal 6 claim in the late 1980s. The westernmost of these cuts massive limestone and contains disseminations and blebs of pyrite, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and azurite/malachite stain. The eastern structure follows the massive limestone/volcanic contact. East of the structure a remnant hot spring in an argillite bed within the volcanic package is marked by calcareous sinter, semi-massive pyrite pods and pervasive ankerite alteration.
A 1 metre chip of recrystalized limestone with 5 per cent dendritic malachite, azurite, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite assayed 0.99 per cent copper, 2.2 grams per tonne silver and 31 parts per billion gold (Assessment Report 19206).
Some work was done in 1988 on the Sphal B (Sphal 2, 4, 6 and 8 claims) by International Corona but no report is referenced for this. Follow up work in 1989 consisted of the collection of 61 rock samples. The 1989 report (Assessment Report 19206) contains some or all data from 1988). The Sphal A group of claims (Sphal 1,3,5,7) were reported on separately (Assessment Report 19197).