The Hidden Creek showing area is underlain by Devonian to Permian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Stikine Assemblage. In this area rocks consist of phyllite and slate near Eocene mozonite intrusions. The stratigraphy is Early Jurassic granodiorite of the Texas Creek Plutonic Suite.
The showing consists of a three to seven centimetre wide quartz vein containing up to 10 per cent arsenopyrite and 5 per cent pyrite hosted within strongly hornfelsed metasedimentary rocks. This vein appears to form the hanging wall of a 1.4 metre wide, tabular brecciated zone containing a quartz matrix with traces of arsenopyrite. A felsic intrusive appears to form the footwall of this brecciated zone. Select grab samples 465927 and 465928 assayed up to 10.49 grams per tonne gold with greater than 1 per cent arsenic; while a 1.4 metre grab sample of the brecciated zone contained 0.07 per cent arsenic with no detectable gold (sample 465929).
Refer to Duc (104B 422) for details of the Cud property work history.