The area is underlain by rock of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group. Middle Jurassic tonalite of the Three Sisters Plutonic Suite and Triassic quartz diorite bodies intrude the country rock.
The Otis Showing comprises arsenopyrite mineralization (up to 20-30 per cent) occurring in fracture controlled veins or pods that constitute a stockwork. Within this stockwork two dominant orientations were noted, at 090-110 degrees and 140 degrees with flat lying to vertical dips. Vein widths are commonly less than 8 centimetres and reach a maximum of 25 to 30 centimetres widths and 6 to 9 metre lengths. Trace to 1 per cent pyrite occurs in the veins, with up to 3 per cent in the highly fractured, sheared (locally schistose) and oxidized mafic volcanic.
The stockwork zone is approximately 15 by 15 metres; it does not appear to be traceable to the west and is covered by overburden in other directions. Grab sampling by both Corona and Gold Fields has produced gold values in the range up to 24.00 grams per tonne gold (as reported in Assessment Report 21733).
The Moped Showing, located about 250 metres south-southwest of Otis, is similar in nature to the Otis in that arsenopyrite (30 to 40 per cent) occurs in the fracture controlled quartz (+ minor calcite) veins at dominantly 030degrees and 100 degrees.
The property was prospected and sampled to some extent in 1988 and 1989 by Corona. Results of this work are recorded in a series of prospecting reports by Corona. Limited rock, soil and silt sampling was done on the Scud 1-14, Robyn and Alicia claims of the Scud property. The Scud were owned by Lacana Exploration Inc and the Robyn and Alicia by International Corona Corp.
The 1991 work, consisting of large scale geological mapping, rock and soil conducted on behalf of Akiko Lori Gold Resources Ltd. 257 rock and 42 soil samples were collected.