The Klink area is underlain by Lower Permian limestone and calcareous sediments of the Stikine Assemblage and argillites and wackes of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group.
Irregular quartz (plus/minus carbonate plus/minus feldspar) veins, usually less than 10 centimetres wide and 5 metres long, were found chiefly near the southern claim boundary. Locally these veins contain up to 3 per cent chalcopyrite, minor malachite and 1 per cent magnetite and pyrite. The second type is gossanous shears paralleling the north trending creek lineament. These shears are locally up to 7 metres wide and contain up to 10 per cent pyrite and traces of chalcopyrite and sphalerite. One leached and narrow shear, near the south claim boundary, contains 5 per cent pyrite and trace amounts of visible chalcopyrite and sphalerite.
In 1990, Solomon Resources prospected the Klink claim and collected a total of 8 rock samples. Four rock sample results from the central portion of the claim ranged up to 0.172 gram per tonne gold, 14.2 grams per tonne silver 0.12 per cent copper, 0.013 per cent molybdenum, 0.66 per cent lead, 1.1 per cent zinc and 1.1 per cent mercury (Assessment Report 20374). Rock sample results from the eastern side of the property indicate only one geochemically elevated copper value of 0.0451 per cent copper (Assessment Report 20374).