The Waterfall showing is an intensely oxidized and brecciated shear zone hosted in skarnified Lower Permian limestone of the Stikine Assemblage. The shear zone varies from 0.9 to 1.5 metres in width, and strikes 174 degrees/84 degrees north dip for 25 metres at which point it pinches out. Sulphide mineralization occurs in pods or discontinuous veinlets with 3 per cent pyrite, 1 per cent chalcopyrite, 5 per cent sphalerite and 5 per cent fine-grained tetrahedrite(?). The zone is intensely oxidized to goethite, jarosite, malachite and hydrozincite. Sampling in 1988 returned assays of up to 7.10 grams per tonne gold, 157.4 grams per tonne silver, 1.42 per cent copper, and 20.70 per cent zinc. Chip sampling across this structure in 1990 failed to duplicate these values with peak values of 0.23 gram per tonne gold, 0.52 per cent copper and 5.02 per cent zinc in the weaker oxidized portion of the shear zone (Samples 32599, Assessment Report 21061).
Refer to Trophy (Ptarmigan) (104G 053) for related details and a common work history.