The area of the South zone is underlain by strata of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group intruded by Early Jurassic quartz dioritic and Jurassic to Tertiary felsitic intrusions.
The South zone is a large (800 by 1500 meters) but poorly defined zone associated with a complex pattern of magnetic highs and lows. The southern part of the zone is the only part of the North More system with widespread elevated gold values. The gold-enriched zone is associated with a sharp magnetic contact which probably represented a north-northwest trending fault. Rock chip samples of mineralized syenite in this part of the zone have yielded values to 0.72 per cent and gold to 0.97 gram per tonne (Assessment Report 29568).
The 2019 copper-in-soil anomaly in the South showing area is 900 metres in length with individual soil results up to 2180 parts per million copper with 11 samples being greater than 500 parts per million copper; a select rock grab sample taken upslope of the anomaly graded 2.60 per cent copper and and 25.3 grams per tonne silver (Golden Ridge Resources Ltd., Press Release January 16, 2020).
The View zone (104G 258) (part of the North More area) was tested by Paget Resources with three drill holes and the Canyon (104G 120) (part of the North More area) by two holes in 2007. The South zone, part of the Paget's North More area, was not drilled.
Work History.
Paget Minerals Corp conducted work on the Ball Creek property from 2005 to 2011. Paget's North More area is encompassed by the Ball Creek property and included the View, Canyon (Dago) (104G 120) and South zones.
In 2019, Golden Ridge Resources Ltd collected 884 total soil samples and 2 rock samples on their More Creek Zone which encompassed 3 MINFILE occurrences including. View (104G 258), South (104G 259) and Dago (104G 120). The results showed several high tenor copper-in-soil anomalies (Anomalies A-E). The View showing is located within the Anomaly C geochemical anomaly and the South showing is located within the Anomaly A geochemical anomaly.
See Canyon for related work history. Also see Mary (Main) (104G 018) for related details and some common work history.