The Kinaskan property, which contains the QC West North-Central, is underlain by Upper Triassic, Stuhini Group volcanics and volcaniclastics intruded by numerous small, quartz deficient stocks of Late Triassic to Early Jurassic age. Sulphides with copper-gold and locally molybdenum grades are generally associated with the intrusives and late quartz stockworks. Jurassic Hazelton Group volcanics and volcaniclastics unconformably overlie the Stuhini volcanics. Felsic dykes and small plugs, sometimes associated with auriferous pyrite-chalcopyrite intrude the Hazelton stratigraphy in the northern portion of the property.
A sample of rusty sedimentary rock with malachite and (possibly) very small blebs of chalcocite assayed 0.95 per cent copper, 0.004 per cent molybdenum and 4.9 grams per tonne silver (Sample 867827, Assessment Report 33023).
Refer to QC West SE (104G 245) for related geological and work history details.