The Grumpy Bear area is underlain the contact of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group consisting of andesitic rock and a Triassic to Jurasssic pluton consisting of predominantly diorite and granodiorite.
The showing consists of three limonitic fractures or shear zones that were sampled over a width of 1.5 metres (Assessment Report 20550). One structure yielded weak gold and copper values, while the others assayed 1.51 and 2.64 grams per tonne gold with 0.05 and 0.21 per cent copper, respectively. In 2010, seven chip and four grab samples were collected from the Grumpy Bear showing. The chip samples yielded background to weak values for all elements of interest, except for one sample which assayed 0.427 gram per tonne gold and 0.12 per cent copper over 0.7 metres; the grab samples averaged 1.64 grams per tonne gold and 0.096 per cent copper (Assessment Report 31838).
Refer to Winter Creek (MINFILE 104G 003) for details of a common work history.