The Hour 1 occurrence is located about 236 kilometres east-southeast of the community of Dease Lake.
The Hour 1 showing area is underlain by the Neoproterozoic (Hadrynian) Ingenika Group which is predominantly argillite, siltstone, chert, and dacite tuff. Numerous quartz veins, 0.2 to 1 metre in width, occur subparallel to the bedding and foliation. Some of the veins are very well mineralized with pyrite and pyrrhotite and contain a trace of chalcopyrite; but four rock samples taken of these veins yielded insignificant precious and base metal values. The best value obtained in 1989 was of highly silicified shear zone argillite containing pyrite, pyrrhotite and a trace of chalcopyrite which assayed 1.6 grams per tonne silver, 0.01 per cent copper and 0.015 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 20038).
In 1989, reconnaissance exploration consisting of prospecting and geochemical sampling was carried out over the Hour 1 property by Candela Resources Ltd. One silt sample and four rock samples were taken. In 1990, Candela Resources collected seven rock samples of the quartz vein and pyrite-bearing country rock. One sample, taken of gossanous, foliated, andesite tuff was weakly anomalous in gold and copper (60 parts per billion and 178 parts per million, respectively) (Assessment Report 21018).