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File Created: 17-Nov-2020 by Del Ferguson (DF)
Last Edit:  20-Nov-2020 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name UPPER GROOVE Mining Division Liard
BCGS Map 104B065
Status Showing NTS Map 104B11E
Latitude 056º 36' 36'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 131º 02' 02'' Northing 6275814
Easting 375170
Commodities Gold Deposit Types B10 : Gossan Au-Ag
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Upper Groove Ridge gossan is situated on the southern slope of Johnny Mountain, approximately nine kilometres southeast (163°) of the Bronson Airstrip on the Iskut River.

Part of the SnipGold 2014 program consisted of prospecting and rock sampling from this area, which was identified by BCGS geologists as being at the northern portion of the Sky Fault System. This thrust system is believed to have played a significant role in the mineralizing events in the area, and given the 100% exposure of the Upper Groove Ridge area above the tree line, and the extensive gossan observed from the air and orthophotos, it was prioritized for reconnaissance level prospecting. The area of the gossan of interest, approximately 400 metres by greater than 1 kilometre, exhibits intense alteration and very well-developed shear fabric. A total of 44 rock samples were collected. Only four of the collected samples assayed more than 100 parts per billion Au, with the highest gold value reporting 0.385 gram per tonne Au. This suggests that although there was likely high hydrothermal fluid flow, there was weak mineralization in this locale. The elevated gold values correlate with an increase in secondary silica content (Assessment Report 35126).

EMPR OF 2011-4
EMPR P 2019-01 pp 97-11, 2015-1 pp 41-58, 2015-1 pp 87-101
GBR 2013-05
CJES 49 PP 1027-1052